A New Reality

Your ticket to the neon-soaked sprawl. This is cyberpunk unleashed.

Screw the Megacorps. This is the real news of the sprawl.

Our Journey from Supporting Others to Creating Our Own Games


As game developers, we have always been passionate about supporting others in their creative endeavors. Over the past few years, we have dedicated our time and resources to helping fellow developers bring their visions to life. However, after three years of supporting others, we have made the decision to shift our focus back to our own game development projects. This time, we are determined to create our own games and establish ourselves as a prominent force in the industry.

Our Journey Supporting Others

Supporting others has been an incredible journey for us. We have had the privilege of working with talented individuals and teams, helping them turn their ideas into reality. From providing technical assistance to offering creative input, we have been fully immersed in the development process of numerous projects. This experience has not only sharpened our skills but has also given us a deep understanding of the challenges faced by game developers.

The Decision to Create Our Own Games

After years of supporting others, we realized that we had neglected our own creative ambitions. We were constantly inspired by the projects we worked on, and it became clear that it was time for us to take the leap and create our own games. The decision was not an easy one, as it meant stepping out of our comfort zone and taking on new responsibilities. However, we knew deep down that this was the right path for us.

Challenges and Lessons Learned from Supporting Others

Supporting others allowed us to gain valuable insights into the game development process. We encountered various challenges along the way, such as managing tight deadlines, communicating effectively with team members, and dealing with unexpected technical issues. These experiences taught us the importance of adaptability, resilience, and teamwork. We learned that collaboration and open communication are key to overcoming obstacles and delivering high-quality games.

The Vision and Goals for Our Games

As we ventured into creating our own games, we were driven by a clear vision and set of goals. Our vision was to create immersive and engaging experiences that would captivate players and leave a lasting impression. We wanted our games to transport players to new worlds, challenge their skills, and evoke a range of emotions. In terms of goals, we aimed to deliver high-quality games that would resonate with a wide audience and establish our brand as a trusted name in the industry.

Introducing Our First Game

After months of hard work and dedication, we are thrilled to introduce our first game to the world. Chipen, a Sci Fi game set in a unique setting, coming out 09 of August and offers players an unforgettable journey filled with unique gameplay mechanics. With stunning visuals, an immersive soundtrack, and a captivating storyline, we believe that Chipen will resonate with players and showcase our dedication to creating memorable experiences.

Future Plans and Upcoming Game Releases

So what happen after that you say? we are excited to share our future plans and upcoming game releases. We have a pipeline of projects in various stages of development, each offering a unique and captivating experience. Our team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of game design and delivering innovative gameplay mechanics. We are committed to creating games that resonate with players and leave a lasting impact.


Our journey from supporting others to creating our own games has been a transformative experience. We have learned invaluable lessons, overcome numerous challenges, and grown both as individuals and as a team. With a clear vision, a passion for game development, and the support of our community, we are confident in our ability to create exceptional games that will delight players around the world. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming.

Street Tech, Black Market Mods, and How to Stay Alive.

In the dystopian world of Chipen, survival is not just about skill and strategy; it’s also about understanding the underground world of street tech and black market mods. In this blog post, we’ll explore the thrilling aspects of the cyberpunk game and provide some tips on how to stay alive in this dangerous environment.
Street Tech: Embrace the Future

In Chipen, street tech is the lifeblood of the city. It’s a fusion of advanced technology and gritty urban culture. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Upgrade your gear: Street tech offers a wide range of enhancements for your character. From cybernetic implants to advanced weaponry, make sure to invest in upgrades that suit your playstyle.

Stay connected: In a world where information is power, having access to the right networks and contacts can be a game-changer. Build relationships with key characters and factions to gain valuable insights and opportunities.

Hack the system: Street tech is not just about physical enhancements; it's also about mastering the digital realm. Hone your hacking skills to gain an edge over your adversaries and uncover hidden secrets.

Black Market Mods: Tread with Caution

The black market in Chipen is a treacherous place, filled with illegal and highly sought-after modifications. Here’s what you need to know:

Choose wisely: Black market mods can provide significant advantages, but they come at a price. Be selective in your choices and consider the potential consequences before undergoing any risky procedures.

Beware of scams: The black market is rife with deception. Trustworthy sources are hard to come by, so always verify the authenticity and reliability of the mods you're purchasing.

Stay under the radar: Engaging in black market activities can attract unwanted attention from law enforcement and rival factions. Keep a low profile and be cautious about who you trust with your secrets.

How to Stay Alive: Survival Tips

Surviving in Chipen requires more than just street tech and black market mods. Here are some essential survival tips:

Stay vigilant: The city is a dangerous place, and threats can come from all directions. Keep your senses sharp and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Form alliances: In a world where strength lies in numbers, forming alliances with like-minded individuals can increase your chances of survival. Choose your allies wisely and watch each other's backs.

Adapt and improvise: Chipen is a dynamic and ever-changing environment. Be adaptable and ready to think on your feet. The ability to improvise can often be the difference between life and death.

Remember, in the cyberpunk world of Chipen, survival is not guaranteed. By embracing street tech, navigating the black market with caution, and following these survival tips, you’ll increase your chances of staying alive in this thrilling and dangerous game.

Know your factions: Who to trust, who to backstab.

In the world of politics, power struggles, and complex alliances, it’s crucial to understand the dynamics of different factions. Whether you’re a player in the game or an observer, knowing who to trust and who to be wary of can make all the difference. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of navigating factional politics and provide some insights on how to identify trustworthy allies and potential backstabbers.
Understanding the factions

Factions are groups of individuals who share common interests and goals. However, within these factions, there are often internal divisions, rivalries, and conflicting agendas. It’s essential to grasp the dynamics of each faction to navigate the intricate web of relationships.

Identifying trustworthy allies

When it comes to factions, trust is a valuable currency. Here are some key indicators to help you identify trustworthy allies:

Consistency: Look for individuals who consistently align their actions with their words. Trustworthy allies are reliable and predictable in their behavior.

Transparency: Honest communication is a hallmark of trust. Seek out individuals who are open and transparent about their intentions, goals, and strategies.

Shared values: Trust is often built on shared values and principles. Find allies who share your core beliefs and are committed to similar objectives.

Track record: Past actions can be a good predictor of future behavior. Assess the track record of potential allies to see if they have a history of loyalty and integrity.

Spotting potential backstabbers

Unfortunately, not everyone in factions can be trusted. Here are some warning signs that someone might be a potential backstabber:

Inconsistencies: If someone frequently changes their stance or seems to have conflicting loyalties, it's a red flag. Inconsistent behavior can indicate a lack of trustworthiness.

Manipulative tendencies: Watch out for individuals who use manipulation tactics to further their own agenda. They may be willing to betray others for personal gain.

Lack of transparency: If someone is secretive about their intentions or keeps important information hidden, it's a sign that they may not have your best interests at heart.

History of betrayal: If someone has a reputation for betraying allies in the past, it's wise to proceed with caution. People's past actions often foreshadow their future behavior.

Navigating the factions

Now that you have a better understanding of how to identify trustworthy allies and potential backstabbers, it’s time to navigate the factions. Here are some tips to help you navigate the complex world of Chipen:

Build alliances strategically: Choose your allies wisely and forge alliances based on shared values, trust, and mutual benefit.

Maintain open lines of communication: Clear and honest communication is essential to build trust and prevent misunderstandings.

Stay vigilant: Keep an eye out for any signs of betrayal or shifting loyalties. Trust, but verify.

Adapt and evolve: Factional dynamics can change rapidly. Stay adaptable and be prepared to adjust your strategies as needed.

Remember, in the Chipen world, trust is a valuable commodity. By understanding the factions, identifying trustworthy allies, and spotting potential backstabbers, you can navigate the intricate web of relationships with greater confidence and success.

Welcome to the Cyberpunk World, Chipen.

Tales from the edge of tomorrow.

Imagine walking down a bustling street in a futuristic city, the sun setting on the horizon, casting an orange glow over the towering skyscrapers. As you make your way through the crowd, you can feel the energy in the air, a mix of excitement and weariness as people are heading home after a long day of work.

The street is lined with shops and businesses, their facades adorned with neon lights that flicker and dance, creating a mesmerizing display of colors. Holographic advertisements hover in the air, projecting images of sleek cars, cutting-edge gadgets, and the latest fashion trends. The sound of music and chatter fills the air, blending with the occasional siren or the hum of passing hover vehicles.

The atmosphere is thick with smoke, a result of the countless street food stalls and vendors selling their wares. The scent of exotic spices and sizzling meats wafts through the air, tempting your senses. People from all walks of life pass by, their attire a mix of futuristic fashion and retro-inspired styles, each person with their own story to tell.

As you continue down the street, you can’t help but be captivated by the vibrant energy and the sense of possibility that permeates the air. It’s a glimpse into a future where technology and commerce intertwine, where the line between reality and virtuality blurs, and where the city comes alive with a unique blend of old and new.